Student Handbook

Course Enrolment
Discount, Payment and Refund
Code of Conduct
Disqualification and Appeal
Joining the HKIOS Alumni
Navigating the Training Portal
Anti-epidemic Measures
Arrangements for Bad Weather
Resources and Help
Set up your account
Sign into your account 
Access your profile 
Change Password on Personal Account
Access your enrolled courses 
Navigate inside a course 
Upload Assignments
Take Exams/Quizzes

Change Password on Personal Account


Step 1:  Log in to your HKIOS account, and navigate to the profile page. 

Step 2
Click on ‘Edit Profile’ underneath your account name. This will open the edit profile tab.
Step 3: Click the ‘Account Security’ tab.
Step 4: Enter your current password into the upper box, and your desired new password into the lower box. Click ‘save’ once and you have completed this. 
Step 5: If this has been done correctly, you will simply be taken back to your profile page. 
Step 6: If you have not input your existing password in correctly, you will get a message informing you that your current password is in error. You should input your existing password correctly or contact for support in this case.


Step 1:  Log in to your HKIOS account, and navigate to the profile page. 

Step 2
: Click on ‘Edit Profile’ button underneath your account name. This will open the edit profile page.
Step 3: Click the ‘Account Security’ tab.
Step 4: Enter your current password into the upper box, and your desired new password into the lower box. Click ‘save’ once and you have completed this.
Step 5: If this has been done correctly, you will simply be taken back to your profile page. 
Step 6: If you have not input your existing password in correctly, you will get a message informing you that your current password is in error. You should input your existing password correctly or contact for support in this case.

Sign in your account 


Step 1: To sign in to your HKIOS account, first go to

Step 2: On homepage, click the ‘sign in’ button on the top right of the page.
Step 3: Fill in your username and password, and click the red ‘login’ button. 
Step 4: You are now signed in, and will be taken to the start page.


Step 1: To sign in to your HKIOS account, first go to

Step 2: On homepage, click the three lines on the top right of the page to open up the mobile menu.
Step 3: With the mobile menu open, click ‘sign in’ to open up the sign in menu.
Step 4: Fill in your username and password, and click the red ‘login’ button. 
Step 5: You are now signed in, and will be taken to the start page.

Access your profile 


Step 1: On the start page, click the "Go to my profile".
Step 2: This will take you to your profile, where you can see your student number and certificates, your enrolled courses, and where you can edit your account information.


Step 1: On the start page, click the "Go to my profile".
Step 2: This will take you to your profile, where you can see your student number and certificates, your enrolled courses, and where you can edit your account information.

Access your enrolled courses 


Step 1: In your profile, you will see the courses you are enrolled in to. 

Step 2: Click on any of these courses and you will go to their respective course page.


Step 1: In your profile, you will see the courses you are enrolled in to. 

Step 2: Click on any of these courses and you will go to their respective course page.

Navigate inside a course 


Step 1: When you are inside a course, you will see three course navigation buttons on the top right of the course information box. 
Step 2: Click ‘Course Content’ and that will take you to the course outline, where you can access all of the course content and activities, including videos, documents, course downloads, online quizzes and examination.
Step 3: Once you do so, you will see the course outline as follows:
The following are some of the key buttons for navigating the course content.

[1] The ‘Back to course page’ button on the top left of the screen will take you back to the course page.

[2] The three navigation buttons on the top of the course content will take you to different functions.
  • Path: Path will take you to the content of the course.
  • Learners: Learners will show you the other students enrolled into the course, and allow you to see their profiles if you click on their names.
  • Discuss: Discuss will allow you to write messages to the other learners of the course, or your trainer. This is useful for asking questions related to certain parts of the course.

[3] Clicking on specific activities within the course will take you to that activity. A red tick will come up to the right of the activity when you have completed it.

[4] Each chapter of the course has a triangle to the left of it – clicking on this triangle will activate a drop-down menu to reveal the activities related to that chapter.

[5] The double arrows on the top right of the course outline will allow you to minimize it. These arrows will still be present when you do this, allowing you to maximize the course outline when you want to bring it back on to your screen.

Step 4: Course content can be downloaded by:

[6] Clicking on the red paperclip icon will open a document with the available download on screen.

[7] Clicking on the name of the download will start the download of the document to your device.


Step 1: When you are inside a course, you will see three course navigation buttons on the top of the course information box. 
Step 2: Click ‘Course Content’ and that will take you to the course outline, where you can access all of the course content and activities, including videos, documents, course downloads, online quizzes and examination.
Step 3: On mobile, the course player submenu starts minimized. You need to click on the two arrows in the top left corner of the screen to bring out the course player submenu.
Step 4: Once you do so, you will see the course outline as follows:
The following are some of the key buttons for navigating the course content.

[1] The ‘Back to course page’ button on the top left of the screen will take you back to the course page.

[2] The three navigation buttons on the top of the course content will take you to different functions.
  • Path: Path will take you to the content of the course.
  • Learners: Learners will show you the other students enrolled into the course, and allow you to see their profiles if you click on their names.
  • Discuss: Discuss will allow you to write messages to the other learners of the course, or your trainer. This is useful for asking questions related to certain parts of the course.

[3] Clicking on specific activities within the course will take you to that activity. A red tick will come up to the right of the activity when you have completed it.

[4] Each chapter of the course has a triangle to the left of it – clicking on this triangle will activate a drop-down menu to reveal the activities related to that chapter.

[5] The double arrows on the top right of the course outline will allow you to minimize it. These arrows will still be present when you do this, allowing you to maximize the course outline when you want to bring it back on to your screen.

Step 5: Course content can be downloaded by:

[6] Clicking on the red paperclip icon will open a document with the available download on screen.

[7] Clicking on the name of the download will start the download of the document to your device.

Upload Assignments


Step 1: Go to your assignment activity.

Step 2: Read the assignment instructions thoroughly. These instructions should outline the date that this assignment is due, how to download the specifications for this assignment, and when you will receive feedback for this assignment.

Step 3: When you finish with your assignment and are ready to upload it, click the red “Upload Assignment” button.
Step 4: There are two ways to upload your assignment. 

A1: Click 'My Device' to open a window and select the file(s) that you want to upload from your computer. 
A2: Once you have selected your file(s), click the 'Open' button at the bottom of the window to upload the file(s). 
B1: The second way to upload your file is to drag your file from your computer into the assignment window.
Step 5: Once your file(s) have been uploaded, they will show up in your assignment window. Click the red ‘Upload’ button below your files to upload them.
Step 6: When the upload is complete, the green ‘complete’ bar will appear below the uploaded file(s). You must click the “Submit” button at the right-hand bottom of the assignment window to submit the uploaded file(s).
Step 7: Once the assignment has been successfully submitted, the date and time of the assignment submission will appear on your screen. You will also be able to re-submit your assignment from this screen if necessary. When your feedback becomes available, it will also appear on this screen. 


Step 1: Go to your assignment activity.

Step 2: Read the assignment instructions thoroughly. These instructions should outline the date that this assignment is due, how to download the specifications for this assignment, and when you will receive feedback for this assignment.

Step 3: When you finish with your assignment and are ready to upload it, click the red “Upload Assignment” button.
Step 4: To upload your assignment, click 'My Device' to open a window in your computer to upload your file. 
Step 5: Choose your file(s) from your phone's internal file storage to upload it. 
Step 6: Once you have selected your file(s) to be uploaded, they will show up in your assignment window. Click the red ‘Upload’ button below your files to upload them.
Step 7: When the upload is complete, the green ‘complete’ bar will appear below the uploaded files.
Step 8: Once the assignment has been successfully submitted, the date and time of the assignment submission will appear on your screen. You will also be able to re-submit your assignment from this screen if necessary. When your feedback becomes available, it will also appear on this screen. 

Take Exams/Quizzes


Step 1: Go to your examination activity.

Step 2: Read the examination instructions thoroughly. These instructions should outline the date that the exam is to take place, and exactly how much time you have to take the exam. They will also tell you when you will receive feedback for this exam.

Step 3: When you are ready to start your exam, click the red ‘Start Exam’ button. 
Step 4: Read each question thoroughly. Click on the circle to the left of your answer, the circle will fill up when it is selected.
Step 5: The timer in the top right of the screen will tell you how much time you have left for this exam.
Step 6: Once you have finished the exam, click ‘submit’ on the bottom of the page.
Step 7: Once the exam has been successfully submitted, the date and time of the exam submission will appear on your screen. When your feedback becomes available, it will also appear on this screen. 


Remark: We recommend that, where possible, exams and quizzes should be taken on a computer.

Step 1
: Go to your examination activity.

Step 2: Read the examination instructions thoroughly. These instructions should outline the date that the exam is to take place, and exactly how much time you have to take the exam. They will also tell you when you will receive feedback for this exam.

Step 3: When you are ready to start your exam, click the red ‘Start Exam’ button. 
Step 4: Read each question thoroughly. Click on the circle to the left of your answer, the circle will fill up when it is selected.
Step 5: The timer in the top right of the screen will tell you how much time you have left for this exam.
Step 6: Once you have finished the exam, click ‘submit’ on the bottom of the page.
Step 7: Once the exam has been successfully submitted, the date and time of the exam submission will appear on your screen. When your feedback becomes available, it will also appear on this screen. 

Set up your account


Step 1: To sign in to your HKIOS account, first go to

Step 2: On homepage, click the ‘sign in’ button on the top right of the page.
Step 3: Fill in your username and password, and click the red ‘login’ button. 
Step 4: You are now signed in, and will be taken to the start page.


Step 1: To sign in to your HKIOS account, first go to

Step 2: On homepage, click the three lines on the top right of the page to open up the mobile menu.
Step 3: With the mobile menu open, click ‘sign in’ to open up the sign in menu.
Step 4: Fill in your username and password, and click the red ‘login’ button. 
Step 5: You are now signed in, and will be taken to the start page.

Course Enrolment

Enrolment procedures

  • Follow the enrolment link in the course page (refer to sample course page below) of the course you want to enrol into.
  • Complete the enrolment form. If your details have not changed since the last time you have completed this form, click ‘yes’ for the question ‘If you are a current or former student, are all of your details the same as before?’. If you are uncertain whether or not your details might have changed, you should fill the form in again.
  • After you have filled in the form, we will contact within 3 working days to let you know whether or not you have been accepted into the course.

Getting help for enrolment

If you are having difficulties enrolling into a course, or you have any questions, please contact us by email at or text or call us at +852 9338 1281.  

Withdrawing from a course

If you wish to withdraw from a course you are signed up for or has started, please contact us by email at or text or call us at +852 9338 1281.

If you cancel your enrolment before receiving our confirmation, we shall return your course fees if you ask for a refund. Once your enrolment is confirmed, course fees are not refundable. Depending on your reasons for cancellation, we may allow you to keep your fees for the next course that you take with us.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

To help participants have a productive and useful learning experience, we ask that all participants follow the code of conduct listed below:

  • Respect the privacy of other students
  • Use a single account on this platform and provide truthful and accurate information whilst doing so
  • Do not reproduce content from this course or from other participants unless expressly allowed to do so
  • Do not submit the work of others as their own, or engage in activity that will harm the grades of other students


Our courses use materials that have been licensed or developed by HKIOS, our affiliates or other relevant third parties. These materials are the property of the respective developer and are provided only for the use of students during the course. You may not distribute, publish, or reuse the materials, audio files, images or design of any of the curriculum. You are authorized to view, copy, and print documents contained within the portal and courses, subject to the agreement that:

  • Your use is for the performance of coursework as required by the instructor teaching the course for which you are registered.
  • All copyright or proprietary notices are displayed on all copies
  • You will not reuse any material contained on the portal or courses without our express permission
  • You will not copy any codes or graphics contained in the site without our express permission

Harassment and Harassment Reporting

If you feel harassed or unsafe in the course environment, please contact our Director of Training and Professional Development at immediately. It is important to us that all students feel safe and secure whilst learning at HKIOS.


A trainee must attain "successful completion" in a course before he/she will be awarded a "Certificate of Completion" for the course. To achieve successful completion of a course, a trainee must meet the Assessment requirements and attain 100% attendance in a timely manner.

Attendance and Absence

A trainee must attend all the training activities of a course.

Attendance is recorded in an attendance sheet for face-to-face classes or tracked by the system with your image captured for online training classes.

If you are late to a class or need to take leave due to mitigating circumstances, you must notify us in advance or as soon as possible by WhatsApp +852 9338 1281 with your details and reasons.

Arrangements will be made for you to receive the missed training.

Performance Assessment

The assessment requirements for each HKIOS course may be different, details of which will be available at its Course Page.

In general, a trainee will be assessed in accordance with his/her performance in the specified assessment criteria of a course, which may include:

  • Practical exercises
  • Assignments
  • Examinations

Your course instructor will inform you of the specifics such as pass mark for examinations and assessment criteria for practical exercises and assignments when you take that course.


HKIOS utilizes an online submission system for assignments. Your instructor will let you know when and how to submit your assignment.


Examinations will primarily be face-to-face and may be in the form of either one of the following:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Short questions

Some online courses may have the examination online, details of which will be made available at their Course Page.

Disqualification and Appeal


HKIOS has zero tolerance for dishonesty. Hence, cheating in tests and examinations and plagiarism will result in disqualification. When dishonesty is proven, a trainee will be disqualified from the course and banned from attending HKIOS courses for life. The course fee will also be forfeited.


If you disagree with any of your examination or assignment results, or the decision of disqualification, you may appeal against them to our Appeal Board. You will be informed of the appeal process and details of how to contact the Appeal Board when receiving your examination or assignment results, or whilst being informed of our disqualification decision. 

Joining the HKIOS Alumni

How to join the HKIOS Alumni?

Once you have successfully completed an HKIOS course, you become an HKIOS graduate and will qualify for becoming an “alumnus” or “alumna” of HKIOS.

Although we keep records about you and your achievements, these details will not be disclosed on our Alumni page or shared with external parties until we receive your permission for us to do so.

Once you graduate from an HKIOS course, you will be invited to join the HKIOS Alumni and tell us what information you would allow us to share with external parties. Thereafter, you will be asked to renew this permission on an annual basis.

Resources and Help

How to access our online services

All of our online services are available on our website,

How to get technical help

Any questions can be directed to us at, or by phone or whatsapp to +852 9338 1281.
If you have a question not answered in this student handbook, you can find help by emailing us at, or contacting us by phone or whatsapp at +852 9338 1281.

Technology requirements for attending HKIOS courses

It is important that you have access to a reliable computer and internet connection to take this course. You are recommended to use a Windows or Macintosh software computer to take this course, with at least 512 Megabytes of memory and 20 Megabytes of disk space. We recommend you use Microsoft Windows XP or newer; or Macintosh OSX or newer – other or older operating systems may function but are not officially supported by us.

Trainees should also have access to a reliable personal email and internet web access account with a commercial Internet Service Provider. Soundcards, speakers, and other appropriate software are highly encouraged to support your learning experience. Technology skills such as the knowledge of working with file attachments and previous web browsing and web research experiences are strongly recommended.

Arrangements during bad weather

Classes and Exams that have not yet started:

Signal No. 1 or 3

All classes and examinations will be held as scheduled.

Signal No. 8 or above

When the following situation comes up, all classes for the day will be cancelled and all examinations will be postponed:
  • When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Signal No. 8 has been hoisted; OR
  • When the Hong Kong Observatory announces that Signal No. 8 will be hoisted on the day
Learners will be informed by WhatsApp as soon as possible when the rescheduling of classes and examinations will take place.
If you are unsure whether your class or examination will take place on any day with bad weather, you may contact us by WhatsApp +852 9338 1281.

Classes and Exams that have already started:

For classes that have already started, arrangements will be made for learners to go home as soon as possible.

For examinations that have already started, the examinations will continue as scheduled unless otherwise announced by the Invigilator.

Discount, Payment and Refund


We offer 20% discounts to individual members or staff of member companies of our supporting organisations.

We offer discounts for enrolment of certain bundle courses, details of which can be found in their respective course page. We also offer discounts for bulk enrolment in groups of 3 and above. Please contact us by email or WhatsApp +852 9338 1281.

Financial Assistance

We do not offer financial assistance or payment plans. However, we plan to obtain QF-recognition of relevant courses, details of which will be updated at the respective course page. Once a course is QF-recognised, you may claim your training fees back from the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) upon successful completion of the course.

Fees Payment Arrangement

Please pay via any of the following means. After payment, please provide us with a copy of your payment proof, your name and details of the course/event that your payment is for via WhatsApp +852 9338 1281.

 1) By PayMe:
     PayMe No.: 9338 1281
     Account Name: “The Hong Kong Institute of Security Limited”

 2) By Direct Deposit:
      Pay to HSBC A/C No. 747-236032-838
      Account Name: “The Hong Kong Institute of Security Limited”

 3) By Cheque:
      Payable to “The Hong Kong Institute of Security Limited”


If you need to cancel your enrolment of a course, you must contact us by email or WhatsApp +852 9338 1281 and provide your reasons for cancellation as soon as possible.

If you cancel your enrolment before receiving our confirmation, we shall return your course fees if you ask for a refund. Once your enrolment is confirmed, course fees are not refundable. Depending on your reasons for cancellation, we may allow you to keep your fees for the next course that you take with us.

Anti-epidemic Measures

Anti-epidemic Measures

  1. Course participants are required to take the latest anti-epidemic measures announced by the HKGov prior to attending a class.
  2. Course participants must wear a mask in class.
  3. Course participants are not allowed to eat at the training venue.
  4. Course participants should bring their own drinks and writing materials.